The Great Pirate is open world NSFW game, where you sail in Caribbean sea searching for adventure: fight ships, visit cities: improve your ship, take missions from characters, build your fame and relations with present countries.

At the end of day (or actually end of your days) you are measured by your impact on this world.

How to play

You start in a middle of the see and sail wherever you want: to closest port, to the point most far away from land, to Spain city, or to pirate city. Everytime you start cities and seas stay the same, however characters and their missions are generated randomly.

Sailing map

Screenshot 1. Sailing map

Your goal should be to get famous, get good relations with at least one country to be able to take mayor's (or maybe even governor's) missions. Also filling requests from ladies in any city will help you get some other rewards (if you know what I mean).

Ship battles

I invested much of my research time and development efforts on building and balancing turn based ship battles. When facing enemy you should consider their strength, number of cannons and crew available to reload them, ship's speed and maneuverability (hate to spell this word).

Sea battle

Screenshot 2. Sea battle

Your damage done to the ship’s hull / sails / cannons or crew is determined by distance between ships, your shooting angle and your orders to target.

During your turn you can decide to shoot or give navigational commands. In navigation you can decide to get to better shooting angle, do evasive maneuvers (to worsen enemy's shooting angle), get closer or more far away.

In my opinion AI is rather dull now, but I was afraid to do it more sophisticated without seeing player’s reaction - let me know if you find it too easy.


There are several different types of missions designed now, few of them available only to regular people, few can be given by mayor, and few by governor only. You should get enough fame to get mayors attention. And mayor can help you build better relations with his country by giving letter of marque. Letter of marque - a license to fit out an armed vessel and use it in the capture of enemy ships and to commit acts which would otherwise have constituted piracy. And when you will be liked in particular country, the governor may see you.

Visiting town

Screenshot 3. Visiting town


Every time you launch a game, it generates new set of characters. But only 14 of them has NSFW content related to them. So you have to meet the right females (when you meet a girl with real face - you probably want to help her more than these faceless characters).

So, no more talking, good luck pirates!

P.S. You can support game development at Patreon.

StatusIn development
Release date Jul 28, 2019
Rated 2.2 out of 5 stars
(9 total ratings)
Made withTwine
TagsErotic, Exploration, Multiple Endings, Open World, Pirates, Singleplayer, Turn-Based Combat, Turn-based Strategy, Twine
Average sessionA few seconds
LinksHomepage, Patreon, Support

Development log


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web version are a bit broke. images don't load, white background...


Seems like a fun game but visuals are broken and seems abandoned :(


The images are all broken for me sadly :(

Looks really fun TvT wish i could play as a girl

i lose my first fight every time.  What am i missing that the developer thinks the design is too easy?


Hi emme_seek,

it could be unfortunate start, meeting a bit more powerfull opponent than you. I would recommend avoiding fight with someone with more guns then you.

General battle tactic would be: 

 - get into best possible shooting angle (Excellent or Perfect; Good works too);

- try avoiding enemy getting in Good+ shooting angle then he has loaded all cannons by using evasive maneuvers;

- try targeting the most vulnerable part of their ship (ships surrender with hull or sails below 20% or having 1 cannon left). Targeting crew reduces enemy's reloading speed, targeting sails reduces their maneuverability, less cannons = less hits on you.

I hope this will help you with few quick wins.

And on v1.2 I'm working that first battles would be predefined with weaker opponents.